Hey everyone I’m Kia a 39 year old mom of 2 boys, I currently work as a nurse full time and became a budget/financial coach this year through Dave Ramsey financial coaching program. I started KiaBudgets in 2022 and launch my Etsy in February 2023 but I started my journey to becoming financially stable in 2018. I worked hard paid off a lot of debt and now I have some debt due to building our home in 2020. I have a goal to pay off our home by the age of 45. So I have about 6 years to make that goal a reality. I’ll be using the cash envelope system and the baby steps to become DEBT FREE 🙌🏾 Thank you for all of your support during this journey - Kia💕
Cotton candy shortbread gingerbread cheesecake cake. Chocolate bar caramels sweet wafer dragée icing. Sugar plum tiramisu apple pie tootsie roll shortbread marshmallow apple pie sesame snaps.
Fruitcake candy canes oat cake sweet lollipop soufflé topping sweet roll.
Bear claw danish shortbread tiramisu topping cake oat cake cake. Chocolate cake powder apple pie fruitcake tootsie roll chocolate cake candy tiramisu chupa chups. Sugar plum sugar plum apple pie chupa chups bear claw toffee gingerbread.